We’ve always been philosophically opposed to televisions in our s

We've always been philosophically opposed to televisions in our spaces, as its always had a detrimental impact to human socialization which is at the core of our ethos. But after years of internal pressure we have succumbed to the fact that many of us grew up tossing around the old pig skin, and ultimately ended up as fans in our formative years, we also have a certain pretentious standard when it comes to getting a good drink and meal while partaking in our fandom, that certain "sports bars" have never been able to accommodate. We also needed it to have a minimal impact on the environment, when not in use, so that proper socialization can occur when the game is over. It was a pretty arduous process but we're pretty excited for the new addition

We’ve always been philosophically opposed to televisions in our spaces, as its always had a detrimental impact to human socialization which is at the core of our ethos. But after years of internal pressure we have succumbed to the fact that many of us grew up tossing around the old pig skin, and ultimately ended up as fans in our formative years, we also have a certain pretentious standard when it comes to getting a good drink and meal while partaking in our fandom, that certain “sports bars” have never been able to accommodate. We also needed it to have a minimal impact on the environment, when not in use, so that proper socialization can occur when the game is over. It was a pretty arduous process but we’re pretty excited for the new addition #sellingoutisthenewkeepingitreal #gosports